January 25, 2010

Start to post my own thoughts about fashion

Hi readers...

I think this is the time for me to post my own writings. As you might see, all my previous posts are free-fashion articles that I republish to fill this blog. Why would I do that? Let me tell the story.

One day in my previous company, I learn about SEO to boost the company site's popularity and the boss made us republish hundreds free articles and put links to our company sites. We had also been informed that we can make money from Google Adsense, if people visiting our blog and click these ads. We were quite motivated at that time and start to blog everyday.

Time to choose a popular theme for my blog and I choose fashion theme, not because I'm fashionable. That's totally wrong. I don't follow fashion trends but I don't wear weird clothes, either. Until I was a teenager, drawing people&design dress are my hobbies and become a fashion designer was actually what I want for living. I love watching fashion show on TV or reading latest fashion trend on magazines (even I didn't follow it). But I'm not a fashion designer now :p

My first plan was actually writing all my thoughts about fashion, about what I wear everyday, about what are my fashion wishlists, all about fashion&me. But next thing I know was I never got a chance to write anything outside my tasks in office. I was too busy, tired, and fed up with office things so I guess at that time there's no inspiration would come to me :(

But in the other hand, I really want to prove that I can get side-income from this Adsense! So I started with republish free-articles everyday (which I didn't feel too comfort doing it 'cuz my background is Journalism---somehow I felt like I'm plagiating, grab others minds--even though I always mention the writer&the URL source) and then I registered for Google Adsense. Lucky me...it tooks only 2 days for Google to cache my page and approve my Adsense request.

I posted 1 post everyday at the first month, and lesser at the 2nd month, and became less, less, and lesser. You know...it's really a boring job to copy-paste those posts, without enjoying what you post.

After resigning&decide to start my own business, I got more time to do anything including blogging everyday. Moreover, my writing about fashion will support my business now, an online boutique for L & XL size... you can peek in here :)

Don't hesitate to leave comments :)


  1. cute blog :) keep it up!


  2. Writing and creating your own posts is most of the fun! I don't blog as frequently as I could for that very same reason, but you can still give it a shot and see what you come up with. There's more to blogging than adsense! Have some fun with it too. :)

  3. thanks both of you...just visiting your blogs...inspiring blogs :)

  4. Hi Ipey...
    Its a good thing, If you can make money from this blog...but my suggestion is,it will be much better if you do it with your sincere heart.

    Because based on my experience, you have to write with your heart so your readers can finally feel it and want to visit your blog over and over again....

    Keep blogging ya Pey :) !!!!

  5. Hi Bibi Titi hehehe...thanks for the advice!
    Yeah I know I should write with my heart but somehow I don't know whether I have a passion for something or not. This is a huge problem for me hiks!
    Well, maybe if someday I have kids and become a Mom, I will find my real passion & write about it, like you did with your blog ;)
